Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My V-Day

 What if this wasn't at all a post about my first Valentine's Day as a wifey and was actually about a trip to the Gyno?  I would probably lose some readers. 

Lucky you, it IS about the former, not the latter...

I was actually scheduled to work at the tax office until 9pm on Valentine's Day until I got to work on Monday and my boss realized that he had totally C-Blocked my first Valetine's Day with my new hubby.  He let me trade my shift for Thursday night instead.  Given the situation, hubs and I had no V-Day plans and decided to pretty much keep it that way.  We haven't really done anything for birthdays, anniversaries, or Valentine's day in the past few years because of finances, so we probably wouldn't have really planned anything anyway.

Yesterday afternoon hubs texted me from work and I said, "When are you going to come and take me to lunch?"  Something we rarely ever do because he leaves one job around 1 or 2pm and heads to the next one.  Turns out he didn't have to work at the afternoon one yesterday, so he was able to come pick me up for an impromptu lunch date.  We went to Chicago Fire and shared salad and pizza.  Basically we stuffed ourselves silly.

Later that afternoon we had the conversation about dinner, but we were both still so full.  After deciding on turkey burgers and sweet potato fries if we ever got hungry again, he laid out some ground turkey.  After work, I decided to stop by Coldstone and use my groupon to get us a treat to surprise him with.  It was almost 7pm when I got home and neither of us were really hungry yet, so we just opened a bottle of wine and hit up the DVR for some Smash (Fave show of all time, BTW!!).  About an hour and one bottle of wine later, we decided to forgo the turkey burgers and just share a plate of sweet potato fries.  We finished the night off watching Biggest Loser while stuffing our faces with ice cream.

With as much as I have been working and as little as we have seen each other in the last few months, this was the most perfect Valentine's Day I could have asked for.  I don't need cards and flowers and jewelry to have a good Valentine's Day.  I'm not saying I would refuse them either, just so we are clear.

Single or in a relationship, what did YOU do for Valentine's Day?

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